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The Outdoors Hut Duck Shooters Event

On Sunday the Hutt Valley Clay Target Club hosted the second of its Duck Shooter events – supported by our good friend Wayne Chapman at the The Outdoors Hut in Upper Hutt.  We appreciate the generous sponsorship with a choice of new a Browning semi auto or under over as a drawn prize.  Thanks again Wayne.

As with the first event, competitors had to swap the camo face paint with suntan lotion as the day turned out to be bright sunshine with little wind.

The targets proved to be nice and ‘ducky’ with plenty of variety that was to the liking of shooting identity Harry Harrison ( the 20 gauge king) , Andrew Pepper and pheasant specialist John Kiriakidis who all led the field with a score of 92 – closely followed by with a bunch of shooters on 91 – all ruing the one target that slipped through their fingers.  Tina Berkett was top of the tree (or should it be maimai) in the ladies division with an 83. Lachie Newland winning the juniors with a very solid score of 70 looked very accomplished, it was great to see him enjoying the day with his grandfather Royden, talent runs in the family with Royden shooting an effortless 91, both looking like natural shots.

Thanks to the team setting up the shoot, Barry Mumford flexing his field setting skills offering the skittish bunny and devilish spoonie on field 9, well done Barry.

Good luck to everyone heading out next weekend – be safe and we look forward to hearing those tall stories about the ducks who never stood a chance!!!

The scoreboard can be found here

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